About Us
On behalf of all the staff and children, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to the thriving school community of St. Monica's.
It is my intention that this website will provide you with a glimpse into the daily life and activities of St. Monica's. It cannot cover every aspect of school life, so I hope that you will contact us with any further questions which you may have.
A good starting point to find out more information about our school is our School Prospectus, it holds a huge amount of information about the daily life of the school, including what it means to be in a church school.
We also have our Curriculum Website, giving helpful guides and videos for parents about different curriculum areas, additional learning needs, our current priorities as a school, as well as policies, guidance documents and inspection reports.
For more information about the daily running of the school, our newsletters contain the contact information for myself, the office team and teachers, as well as current news and dates for the diary. See the Children tab for all information about what and how children are learning at the moment, including information about home learning projects.
I hope that you find this website and the links within it, to be both interesting and informative.
Mrs Abigail Cuthbert
Head Teacher